Our identity
We are an educational movement for young people, our basis is voluntary work. Scouting is non-political and open to all without distinction and remains true to the aim and method devised by Baden-Powell.

Committed leaders
As true actors in the education of each young person entrusted to them, leaders are committed to bringing Scouting to life through the Scout leader’s words and to building a relationship based on good treatment in compliance with the Quality Code for Leaders.
Since our movement is meant for young people, our activities are part of a pathway offered to children and teenagers aged between 6 and 18.
Since our movement is run by young people, Scouts are supported in their personal progression by leaders who work as a team (staff). In this framework, the leader and the Scout become dependable and privileged partners for one another. The discovery process puts the children at the centre of their learning process. Fun remains a much favoured means of achieving this centricity. Meetings with other leaders, heads of units and federation executives prompt us to challenge and rethink on a regular basis the activities proposed by the leaders.
Everybody welcome
Scouting is a movement open to all. Within the geographical radius of their unit, leaders will advertise the Scouting project and make it accessible to all.
Every child and teenager is entitled to join our Scouting units. Our movement must be accessible and units have the means to welcome everyone. Young people can thus take part in quality activities that are adapted to their specific needs as they evolve in time.
Our federation advocates an equal approach to education. Whether mixed or same-sex, our sections are open to all, respecting each person’s differences that are a source of enrichment for all.
Each young person can explore the values of the movement and join freely. Each person is unique and can grow up making his/her own choices; the reasonable size of our sections fosters this personal development that is further boosted by the acknowledgement by all of everybody’s right to speak and listen; young people can gain confidence in such an environment. They truly feel part of the group in which they grow up and are recognised as full members.
An active spirituality open to difference
Within the Scout movement, as elsewhere, spiritual development is considered essential to ensure the balance and fulfilment of young people. Complementary to personal and social development, spiritual progression enables young people to add meaning to their relationship with themselves, with others, and with the world and to question their existence and their place in the universe.
In their own time, young people in our groups are encouraged to express and encounter different beliefs if they wish to do so. Thus, they can contribute to a dialogue and a mutual understanding, which will help Scouts play a peace-building role.
Heads of units therefore provide the necessary space for the young persons to go deeper into their discoveries, live their spirituality and build their identity while experiencing diversity. By encouraging reflective thinking and exchange, they allow each person to delve beyond their personal thoughts and experiences and always remain respectful of everybody’s personal journey. For this mission as for others, heads of units receive training and equipment from the federation and are supported by the unit council, which ensures that each individual thrives in all areas of development.

Sustainable and balanced governance
With a balanced use of resources, sustainable development is at the heart of our concerns for human, financial and material resources. Consequently, financial investments benefit all units.
In keeping with the times, the Scouts Federation draws lessons from the past but resolutely looks to the future and is committed to helping tomorrow’s adults grow. Members can raise questions about current issues, and the federation takes part in the social debates that affect young people. Together, we educate on topical societal issues.
Keen to ensure a balance between the groups, the Federation is organised as a federation of units where each unit is placed on an equal footing. Through its delegate, each unit has one vote at federal assemblies, regardless of the number of members in the unit.
Because we are a youth movement, heads of units play a pivotal role in the taking of all decisions that have a bearing on the community, both at the local level (through the unit councils) and at the federal level (through the federal assembly). The limited duration of the terms of office within the leadership structure guarantees that a constant flow of fresh ideas reaches the groups.